Tuesday, September 27, 2011


      What a FAB weekend we had! Spent it all with great family & friends. Some of us teachers got together and went to a wonderful Winery up on the mountain (yes teachers can have fun too!!!!!!!!!!!) It was an amazing girls night. A 'new' girl came & was too funny. She is our new special ed. teacher and she is from VA but towards the city and we are 100% country (in a good way here hehe) she didnt know what flat-footing was or has never pee'd in the woods. Ok i know not everyone has, but for this country girl I thought it was pretty cute/funny~ Saturday was my College that I attendeds HOMECOMING game, so we did some tailgating and even left for a bit to go to a family reunion (of course everyone wanted to see Kylee) and then came back to the game. We had some friends in from college that we dont get to see very often and it was so much fun spending time with them. Then Sunday Kylee and I got up and went to church. We have started a new church recently and im so blessed to have found a church like this one. I may post more on this matter later, but for now GOD IS GOOD (always!)
                 Now to get back into the groove of work SHEW!
 p.s. im so excited to take Kylee to see YO GABBA GABBA LIVE tomorrow! (pix to come)

            Hope yall are having a FAB week XOXO

Sunday, September 25, 2011

:Time to GET REAL:

        Ok everyone. My goal was to do :more: on my blog! Did it work this week? NO! So I have decided Im going to get a little personal in hopes that more will respond (maybe?!) but at least it'll be more of a journal for me. I want to share my thoughts about whats going on in this crazy life of mine. I think this will help with sharing blessings, fun times, how good GOD has been & even vent too :-) Maybe some blogging therapy>Yeah I like that! So I hope you guys are ready because I live a fun, crazy, stressful, wife, mommy, teacher kind of life!!! I know all of us have a story...so lets get a little personal!!!!!

                                             :Husband Drama:

                    Did I get your attention yet? Last week was not the best week. PERIOD. The hubby and I had an argument and yes it was over Kylee. I know this sounds awful, but sometimes being a parent can be very stressful. I LOVE it dont get me wrong, but im being honest as can be here & arent you just tired sometimes? too tired to fix dinner? too tired to change a diaper? too tired to do anything? shew Sooo when i look back I think we both just had one of those TIRED days and its never good when they fall on the :same: day. It was something simple! Who knows what it was about, but one thing led to another & we were very annoyed, yet angry at each other. It was one of those arguments that left us barely speaking for a few days (sounds familar?) I hope im not alone here, but sometimes a couple just needs their space! Not a separation type space! no no no but a lets put on our ignoring faces for a a day or two and CALM down before we hash it out kind of space! Wellll on Friday, he sends me flowers to school that says : Thanks for ALL you do, I love you: (sweet right?) BUT then it said P.S. Im going fishing tonight!!! hahahaaaa only my husband! Honestly, its what I needed though, I didnt care that he would be out til 4am, but I needed to hear :I appreciate YOU: It made me feel so special. I hate when things become a competition,  sometimes that happens & we dont mean for it too! Example: I let the dog in last, its your turn? When we should just say, hey can you let the dog in? *sighs* oh if it were that simple :wink wink: Anyway, it helped us so much & no not just because I got flowers (which were beautiful btw) but because he thought enough to say Thank You!

                                           HAPPY MARRIAGES- XOXO

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I promise I'll do better!

Sooooo here I am again, saying sorry its been so long...blah blah! I am determined to make more time for my blog. I LOVE blogging, but sometimes I feel so busy that sometimes some days or maybe even a week (yikes!) goes by. Kylee has been sick & is still on the mend today, so Iv been by her side this whole weekend. Her cough is horrible! I hope it passes quickly, I feel so sorry for her. It's time for some football in this household. The hubby is finishing up mowing & we are having a few friends over for some yummy food & fun times! Hope you guys have an aaaaamazing WEEK.

p.s. Ill leave you with this cutie!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Crafty Goodness

New Favorite = PINTEREST = L<3VE!!!




         Cant wait to share food, fashion & mommy things!!!