Thursday, August 4, 2011


        Ohhh how I have missed the blogging world! We were at the beach for a week & when we returned home our internet was out for about 5 days =( Needless to say I got ALOT accomplished around the house hehe! On top of all of that, we started back to work (teacher workdays) yesterday (YIKES!!) Summer is officially over I guess, I cant believe how fast this one went. I have enjoyed every minute, especially with little miss priss!
    I had alot of meetings yesterday and today actually experienced a nerve-wracking event. Some co-workers and myself were at Virginia Tech at a conference & the campus went on lockdown. I will say when it first happened, there was that gut-wrenching pit in my stomach that thought WOW is this happening? Basically, some younger students who were attending camp thought they saw a man with a gun near the vollyball courts & reported it. They put the whole campus on lockdown & we still continued with our conference (talk about a distraction!) Overall, we were fine & they never found anyone with that description or gun. They lifted the lockdown at about 4pm & we were finished at 4:30. Needless to say, im so happy to be SAFE at HOME! We don't realize in situations like that, how scary & unsettling it can be! God is good! I hope to post lots of pictures soon, I am beyond tired ;)
          SOOO happy to get back to sharing adventures with you all, and catching up on yalls lives! XOXO

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