Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Time for ME!

       Im still alive! NO FEAR!! I titled this time for ME because I feel like Im at a point in my life where Im trying to figure out whats next. Iv finished college, got my dream job (teaching 4th grade) married my high school sweetheart (we are 25 and have been together 8 years already, married 3 wow!) Had our 1st little angel March 2010 & I am so beyond blessed & happy. I do sit back at times & just count my blessings because God has been so good to us. Now dont get me wrong, we have had our trials like every couple...family sitations, newborn, silly fights that are def. blown way out of proportion  etc. BUT here lately Iv been trying to figure out whats next. Im not one to brag, but I feel like I do good at living my life! (does that make sense?) I strive to be the best wife I can be to my husband, with even things like keeping the house in order (i like a clean house too!) laundry, cooking, and just cuddling him & letting him know how much I love him! I try to be an awesome mom, i love every second i spend with Kylee & just watching her play and spending time with her is such a blessing in itself. As a teacher, I try to set a good example...I have learned quickly that kids do not need friends in a teacher, they need a ROLE MODEL in a teacher. It does drive me crazy when i see teachers trying to be "cool" or trying to be their "friend" when they have plenty of those...they need again, a role model & someone to TEACH them (subject material and manners!!) Im not one to brag, but today a kid told me "Ya know when I told you at the beginning of the year that I did not like social studies? Well you are changing that!" (sighs) That my friends, is WHY I TEACH! That little boy will never know how much I needed to hear that, and appreciate him actually telling me that. He didnt have to! Anway, back to the moral of my post. I am thrilled to hopefully soon sell our starter home, and get a home we have always wanted-one for a bigger family (in the future that is!!) I think that is what we need next, but do you ever wonder what "track" you are on with God? I really want a more personal relationshop with my Savior, I know I have a good relationship, but I hate to admit I sometimes feel as if Im "toooo busy" for God! That kills me to admit that, but I guess admitting is one step closer to getting better huh? I want to learn more about him, about which pathways in life he wants ME to take, about EVERYTHING!!! I really think the power of prayer is amazing & I ask you all to pray for me and my journey in life..as I will too pray for YOU! I do feel im on the right path at the moment, if not I think like I would be getting some sort of "slap in the face" or something to get my attention, right? I was giving Kylee a bath tonight & this is where this post came from, I was watching her play & talk her own language (remember shes 1) and I realized that LIFE IS SO SHORT I know cliche' right? If you really think about it though, what were you doing just a year ago? what were you doing 5 years ago? Think about it! Seems like yesterday all the time. I cannot believe Kylee is almost 18 months, I can remember bringing her home swaddled up and thinking "please stay this way forever!" & now i have a wild toddler, who has started her terrible twos early might I add. She has discovered her nose has 2 holes & loves to growl at people..it makes for some interesting grocery store trips let me tell you =) I know that she will start Pre-K before I know it, college & walk down the Isle by the time I ask her to "never grow up" (taylor swift: all you moms out there google that song if you have never heard it & get the tissues ready!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Great post... I always feel like there is so much to do and i haven't even started yet... Lately i'm trying to be closer to God, finding that special time to read Bible and pray... it makes me feel so much better and gives me power...

    It's good to be so happy and thankful as you are!
