Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday FUN!

    I cannot express how EXCITED I am to have a FULL weekend with my husband and little girl. Its the little things ya know? The hubby has a new job now & he has weekends off!! He hasnt had the whole weekend off since, um actually never! Since he was 18 he has worked every Saturday and for years rotated sundays. When kylee was born up until about a year he was working full weekends with Thursday and Fridays off, which of course those days I was working. So we never had any full days together. Anyway/thrilled doesnt even come close. I L<3VE them to pieces & this is the start to some happy memories. God is so GOOD! He is off in the evenings by 5:00, was working til' 7:00 getting home usually around 8:00, he was driving 45 minutes ONE way, and now he has a company vehichle, did i mention he will be on salary so making MORE! Ahhh we are so blessed, it was def. worth the wait because now we will be able to sell our starter home (hopefully soon) and move on to something better for our family. Who knows maybe make some more babies w/n the next year =)


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